December 28, 2009
Still kickin'
Be Koo
December 21, 2009
Snow White
December 17, 2009
I Concur
This advice right here is great for some of my girl friends who I keep repeating the same thing over and over again. This also reminds me of Beyonce's "Upgrade You".............Make an investment*They're great for everyone's pocket....
December 15, 2009
Oh Damn
I Know
She apparently wrote a book that's in works of becoming a movie, "Bitch is the New Black". Every woman should google her as well because she's interesting and I am not going to promote her when you can look her up yourselves*
December 13, 2009
After Today
December 9, 2009
Not Related????

December 8, 2009
Of All Time
This is one i've known about for a while...Dom Kennedy....and Bj the Chicago kid;) kats look at me weird when i put this(or anything west coast or not shake your booty rap) on in my car and they get slapped for attenmpting to touch my radio*
Notice thats the bridge from one of my favorite movies [Biker Boyz]
PacDiv Kool Kids Dom Kennedy Levi Maestro BJ the Chicago Kid Wiz Khalifa
theres more ppl im listening to right now but its too many to remember&im supposed to be studying for finals.......OKAY
December 7, 2009
Pure Money
This one feels real reggae to me*
I curled my hair today, and now im a spanish girl again......IM NOT DOMINICAN REPUBLICAN DAMMIT!!!!!!
GOOGLE: Dominica..................not dominica republic folks THANX*
So Yea
Another song Im in love with regardless if chris brown is on it our not.Im actually listening to this kat's music and somewhat liking it, regardless of what he and rihanna went through.......its still wrong but you know what, in the end you gotta pull your pants up and as Big Black from Rob&Big would say "DO WORK"
Finals next week so I am studying dumb hard;)No breaks here homey. All my presentations out the way so I could focus at the task at hand and finish this semester on a happy note;) [all A's presumably]
Once again, its a Monday. Thursday immabe in West Chester to talk to some very important people;) mmmm...kay.Okay.
December 4, 2009
Jersey Shore my Arse
Do we REALLy talk like that? I mean c'mon now......
Every Damn Day
December 3, 2009
Rockin' my 16's for Miami.I never wear them& my 'Every Damn Day' Nike Tee because today I'm feelin GOOD;)