July 13, 2012


I really don't care too much for Chris Bosh b/c he played in the same conference as Duke back in college -_- but i like him now b/c in this Levi Maestro video, he's ballin' at the Miami Hurricanes bball facility and he does have a nice little personality from what i see.
Now as for moi, I have been busy getting my life in order. I started a new job this week in Pennsylvania which means i have to vacate my position at Kean University because it seriously does not make sense for me to be working there two days a week when this new spot is straight up full time and close as hell to where i'm staying.
The main goal now is to save money, enjoy the rest of the summer frat/soro bbq's, get right for this cruise coming up in about three weeks, and try and keep these men in order lol (kidding on that last one).
Peace and Love Folks.

July 6, 2012

These photos are from my uncle's wedding last weekend.
Always have a joyous time with my family, both from near and far