On Sunday I completed my first (and hopefully not my last) Half Marathon. It took place in Long Branch, New Jersey, "down at the shore".
That was THEE longest 13.1 miles of my entire life. Since Thursday, I have been sick (and still am). I was debating whether or not to do the 5k portion of the day instead because I had been coughing up my lungs the night before and my body was entirely too weak.
Luckily, my reflection came along for the support and told me I am doing the half because I've trained so hard for it. 12 weeks is what all this one day came down to.
I ran with a group of young ladies that I respect and admire, all beautiful black women doing great thangs in the world. Of course we all started out together and somewhere along the way, we got separated. When running a race like that with the amount of people that were there, its great to be able to keep your own pace and know you still won't be theeeee last person crossing the finish line. I saw my reflection along the route cheering me on, and im so greatful for it. all the volunteers and random people who sat outside their homes giving us words of encouragement and support really, really, really does help. its surprising how much motivation it actually gives you when you feel like your legs are on the verge of running the hell away from you and kicking you in the ass for putting through so much.
All in all, i finished in under three hours (2:45ish) which would've been better if I weren't sick as a dog, but
I literally almost felt like crying when I saw the beach.
The Jersey Shore has been through so much and I am glad I was able to donate my time, money, and body to help a portion of the place of where I call home forever and always.