January 23, 2009

So i havent been on here for quite some time but its a new year so ive decided to freshen up my typing skills(which have been withering away) and do 'the business'. before i didnt have time to write/type/blog- whateva, but now that im back in school i apparently have all the time in the world, so here goes nothing......

My prez is black:) i still we have a way to go but this is a good start*

whats going on w/ hip hop now???? cant stand the sight of it:( glad to hear jadakiss is making some noise;)

Northampton Community College Profs sound like 'Sam, The Cooking Guy'- great show by the way.peep discovery health.....

wassup w/ the O.G.'s tryna get at a young lady tryna live her life(i.e. me). 'dude ur 30 frickin years old n im not havin ya kiddies anytime soon' so in the words of mike barber "FALL BACK"

19 y.o. and the kid has never been on a date-can u believe it??? WAIT, i can cuz my parents are str8 law enforcement when it comes to guys and their "girls". maybe for my own good tho,so they can wart off all the old heads.....

Being a twin isnt all its cracked up to be,sad but true....much love tho:) [thats a story for another day]

dammned double standards.....

VACA anyone??? prefrebly to DOMINICA----NOT FRICKIN DOMINCAN REPUBLIC!!!! get ur geography up plz....

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