January 2, 2010

Happy Belated New Year

I'm late but I'm allowed to be because I am a curty,and once again,you are not* Happy thoughts come to mind when I think about what 2010 has to bring, (excluding these crazy jersey cops on 78)....Turning Deuce-Uno with my Ace.....learning spanish properly.....ending my NCC venture to move onto WCU.....more laughing/smiling/studying/shanking.....finally make my way to church.....decreasing my roadrage;/&spending deniro on unnecessary 'items'.....&being an all around happy individual w/my familia and extended familia aka 'friends that should be blood related'.
I also realize that sometimes my blog os a bit boring but you know what,I do not care;)&you wanna know why???!! Because life is not a walk in the park everyday and I really cnt/shouldnt laugh about everything.diddy has his bad days, the professors have bad days, so why cnt I????its either there's something I dnt find interesting enough to blog OR I dnt feel like putting up w/ petty BS so why blog about it????
"Just move on C, move on"

1 comment:

Neon Diamonds by Melissa Burwell said...

Lol we should be blood related!
I still love your blog the way it is because it's you.