March 31, 2010
Barbie is fake.
You sound like Lil' Wayne.
I dont understand, nor do I overstand......someone help me.
So who is Nicki Minaj really?????
Me na know. I dont see what the big hype is about girlie otha den her butt and her butt.....Lil' Kim twenty years done over is my conclusion. But kats actually respected Lil' Kim and her craft, her voice and words made her.....Minaj's booty makes her I guess. She just all around looks weird to me, maybe thats why she modeled herself after someone fake????Once again, me na know. Female rappers are long gone from the way they used to be. Maybe I should start rappin' about counting sheep and getting into Kean......anyone can be a rapper nowadays right???Might as well try so I can pay some tuition for
"Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Mark Twain
Luvin' C*
&all the boys at Easton Area High School that wanna take me to prom.....
March 30, 2010
"Move Wormies"
It is raining and I have no class today:) Thank you shirley, goodness, and murphy. I dont have to deal with these crazy looking worms outside. BUTTTTT i have to go to work;(Bummer, at least i have a job.
Kean University on Saturday was beautiful. Loved,loved, loved the campus. And it didnt hurt that the school was in jersey;) Extremely close to NYC&everyone knows id rather be in NYC than Philly....My 'sister' goes to Seton Hall Univ. so if i have any problems i will be crashing on her couch as ive done before;)Im really praying that i get into this school.I got into both West Chester and Kutztown but they are both on the D-list and dont compare to Kean and Jersey.Yep. Im also planning on changing my major to psychology (with an emphasis on exercise and sport psychology). That's perfect because I love helping people and I love sports.Best of both worlds,why didnt i think of this na know. I plan on doing big things wherever I go, because thats just my nature. The Jersey/NYC area has soooooo much more opportunity to meet new people and the right people as well. That's why im hype about this new endeavor. Wish me luck sundun;)
My pictures suck because i was too excited i didnt know what to take a pic of so i took a pic of the bball courts 'decoration'.....yea i know. it was cold outside.yep,thats my excuse.maybe next time i go out there it'll be official,ficial and it'll be warmer.
"A good snapshot stops a moment from running away." ~Eudora Welty
March 26, 2010
The Left Coast
I love this guy & PACDIV. They are what music is missing. These types of guys. None of that 'young money babaaay' BS we been hearing. Like i said they are from the West Coast, so us Yankees dont get what the surfer dudes are getting and it sucks so we have to go find it, and my reflection, MIAMI, and I have been found it, its just that folk dnt got it like us so they wayyyyyyyy late on what we up on:)
I say this again, DOM KENNEDY and PACDIV.
Im promoting these guys from Easton, Pennsylvania in my bed looking out the window about to go to sleep because that chinese food is finally getting to me.....
DOM KENNEDY "From the Westside with Love"
PACDIV "Church League Champions"
You guys are officially late.
My Kind of guys;)
Lovin' C*
Kean University 2mrw.JERSEY HERE I COME!!!!
Ben Roethlisberger of the Pittsburgh Steelers (i didnt have to google his name to spell it). this man is accused of sexual assult on two different women on two different cases in two different states and the league is not doing anything about it! this man is not facing any kind of penatly what-so-ever which is retarded because Adam "Pacman" Jones got fines and suspensions just for getting questioned; not even committing a crime, not accused of anything. Also, Kobe Bryant's little shindig in Colorado a few years back (even though he's in the NBA) got a little out of control but he admitted his wrongs and still got a backlash of negative publicity....Note both Kobe and Pacman are black while Big Ben is obviously white.....Full blown investigations for everyone else but Big Ben. There apparently a tape out and the feds arent really gonna look into it.....Why?How is it okay for a white athlete w/ deniro to get away with these actions while a black athlete gets scrutinzed out the arse????(Oh yea, Tiger Woods too, well no he actually has a problem).
Its Black and White.
"Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else. " ~Will Rogers
Lovin' C*
March 22, 2010
Liars and Veejayjays
There is this young man at my workplace who flirts with anything with a its all harmless and fun games, nothing serious. He cant take my sarcasm, actually nobody can because im soooo damn good at it. I smile at what im gonna say next, thats how good i am....back to the point, so im tryna hook him up with my girl, he gave me his number and everything to give to her. and so its now a four-way text convo between me,her,Miami,& let's just say he lied to someone about something so now he's gonna get grilled the next time i see him, soooo hard grilled, like-cant-eat-this-burger-its-so-burnt grilled.yep.
Ohhhh yea, this is what i wanted to post. i got this from via The Most Misogynistic Blog Post on the Internet.....enjoy and realize;)
Men move the discussion forward. Women swap recipes and beauty tips.
Men debate. Women wheedle.
Men confront. Women slander.
Men act. Women plot.
Men invent. Women benefit.
Men are passionate. Women are passion parasites.
Men cheat. Women betray.
Men withdraw. Women shit test.
Men kill. Women play let’s you and him fight.
Men are emotionally distant. Women are emotionally manipulative.
Men’s Achilles’ heel is pride. Women’s Achilles’ heel is vanity.
Men die younger. Women live slower.
Men think loftily. Women think grubbily.
Men are expendable. Women are perishable.
Men humiliate. Women shame.
Men bluster. Women preen.
Men break barriers. Women co-opt broken barriers.
Men design. Women utilize.
Men self-serve. Women self-delude.
Men fuck. Women barter.
Men are funny. Women are melodramatic.
Men look at the sun. Women look in the mirror.
Men sexualize. Women characterize.
Men eat. Women indulge.
Men aspire. Women inspire.
Men love freely. Women love desperately.
Luvin' C*
& Miami and Tina for paying me a visit;)
March 20, 2010
Gettin' Busy
Luvin' C*
&OH yea, i had Five Guys today;( im supposed to be "training" to run track again....
March 19, 2010
Damn Dominicans...
Okay im done venting.Computer Science hw bout to take forever and a day to accomplish;)
Lovin' C*
¬ my ridonculus room
March 15, 2010

C is about to make some serious moves holmes. There comes a time when sugar needs to get done so imma be the one to do it. Im about to apply to a number of schools just because i can and im smart as hell, outside of PA and run with it b/c its about that time;)& im deathly tired of Easton,PA and miss the jebbies out of the Garden State.
March 11, 2010
That Light Skinned kat from Canada.....
Lite skinned still not in.LOL.
Lovin' C*
March 10, 2010
White Wrap?????
Lovin' C*
March 7, 2010
March 6, 2010
Flex Baby!!!!!
Went to the Nets game last night, which they lost-by ten to the Orlando Magic,nothing Whenever I get into Jersey I get into my Hot 97 mode. No one touches the radio when Im driving thru the "Real Tri-state". So my boy Funk Master Flex played this song out sooooooooooo HARD. You know how you hear fresh music&you put it on repeat??That's what Flex did with this song the entire drive from the Meadowlands to Easton,PA&that's an hour and a half drive folks......its true.
P.S. I had Five Guys yesterday before the game;(&I figured out what wrong with me.....
Thanks Ghan;)
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
-- Reinhold Niebuhr
Lovin' C*
March 5, 2010
Like a Tiger.
A little of what Im up on....
"Love is all fun and games until somebody loses and eye or gets pregnant." -Jim Cole
Its true, ask Keke
Lovin' C*