It is raining and I have no class today:) Thank you shirley, goodness, and murphy. I dont have to deal with these crazy looking worms outside. BUTTTTT i have to go to work;(Bummer, at least i have a job.
Kean University on Saturday was beautiful. Loved,loved, loved the campus. And it didnt hurt that the school was in jersey;) Extremely close to NYC&everyone knows id rather be in NYC than Philly....My 'sister' goes to Seton Hall Univ. so if i have any problems i will be crashing on her couch as ive done before;)Im really praying that i get into this school.I got into both West Chester and Kutztown but they are both on the D-list and dont compare to Kean and Jersey.Yep. Im also planning on changing my major to psychology (with an emphasis on exercise and sport psychology). That's perfect because I love helping people and I love sports.Best of both worlds,why didnt i think of this na know. I plan on doing big things wherever I go, because thats just my nature. The Jersey/NYC area has soooooo much more opportunity to meet new people and the right people as well. That's why im hype about this new endeavor. Wish me luck sundun;)
My pictures suck because i was too excited i didnt know what to take a pic of so i took a pic of the bball courts 'decoration'.....yea i know. it was cold outside.yep,thats my excuse.maybe next time i go out there it'll be official,ficial and it'll be warmer.
"A good snapshot stops a moment from running away." ~Eudora Welty
&Dom Kennedy's Mixtape;)
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