Tim Lincecum and his hair
San Francisco Giants

Hey World,
I am so beyond relieved that midterms are over, nobody understands. I studied so hard but it was worth it because some of my grades so far are 90,99, and 105;) I def predict a 4.0 this semester, esp with how hard I'm studying and being on my A-game. Even though I do procrastinate a tad, everything still gets done and I still make the grade. It's either I'm getting smarter or Kean is Just THAT easy...
My Yankees are out of the world series;( But so are those nasty Phillies so I can't hear my ex-boyfriend rub it in my face about that ugly arse team. The World Series isn't even interesting this year, the Texas Rangers and the San Francisco Giants....C'mon. I guess i'm rooting for the Giants because of Tim Lincecum's hair;)
On another note...
In my last post I had something about Kean's lack of West Indian-ness, well yesterday at a staff meeting, I talked to one of my co-workers who I never see and asked where she was from (Trinidad). We got to talkin' and I brought up Seton Hall's West Indian Student Organization and how Kean doesn't have anything like it....BUT to my surprise, she actually put in the paperwork to start up a club, West Indian Culture Club (WICC) AND there are positions available on the Executive Board;) It may be official by the Spring 2011 semester;) I'm Hype.
It looks like everything here at Kean and Jersey is finally falling into place for me.
All it takes is a little patience.
Luvin' C*
&Tina, Lisa, and Crystal Grant
Wishing the flyest triplets I know the bestest, most bangingest Birthday Ever.
Love My Girls.
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