February 3, 2011


Pac Div, "Mania!" Teaser (Directors' Cut) from Clement & Co. on Vimeo.

do i sure love those guys.

on another note.
i'm gonna make an ode to Hooptie soon. you see, Hooptie and I have been through alot together and now it's taken a turn for the worst but i'm only wishing for the best for us....
hopefully it's not as bad as i think......
Welp. Valentine's Day is around the corner and i dont know if i have any 'boo' of all the guys in my stash lol jkjkjkjkjk
i will always have my reflection as a valentine.
TOMORROW is my lovely god sister's birthday. the big deuce-deuce. hopefully i'll be able to make it out of PA while hooptie is in the shop getting better......or i'll just have to drag my sisi out with me:)
another hopefully is that i hope to actually get some work done this weekend.....
Luvin' C*
&my everyone that love me in my 12's!!!!!!!!!
It's a J's World ppl.

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